Our History
Beginning of inter-cooperative workshops: reflection on a platform of farmers' organizations around Fair Trade in the Atsinanana region
Exchange workshop with ANCESM: Association Nationale du Commerce Equitable et Solidaire de Madagascar (National Association of Fair Trade and Solidarity of Madagascar)
Organization of the 1st edition of the Fair Trade Day (FTD)
Training of cooperatives by ANCESM and FFFMM: Fifampiofanana Fanabeazana Fikolokoloana ho Malagasy Mahomby(or Training, Education, Nurturing, in order to be a successful Malagasy) on associative life and Fair Trade
Formalization of the RCCE:
Network of Fair Trade Cooperatives
5 cooperative members : FANOHANA, MITSINJO, KOVAPAMMINA, PAACO & Union des coopératives MAGNEVA ATSIGNANAGNA
Launching AgriCoop project to support cooperatives
(Project which is supported by the French Agency for Development, the SCOP Ethiquable, the decentralized cooperation between Atsinanana Regions and Normandie, and implemented by AVSF NGO)
6th edition of Fair Trade Day
Launch of the RCCE website